Most of us aren’t the biggest fans of traditional LISS cardio. You get on the treadmill, mindlessly walk until the timer goes off, and you’ve checked off the box for the day. Although that’s fine, it really isn’t exciting and over time the sheer boring nature of cardio can affect adherence to the plan. Why not burn calories in a fun way that also builds strength skills, balance, joint stability, and, well, happiness. We’re going to outline an exciting Strongman style strength endurance workout that not only uses tons of calories, but creates a functional body. Now, this is a badass workout that both men and women can do. No one has to be a fluffy cardio bunny anymore. We can all be cardio wolves. Attack this workout in less than 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week and you will almost watch the fat disappear. Of course, make sure your fat-loss diet is in check and you’re in a caloric deficit or you won’t see much at all in the way of results.
Now, Let’s dive into the workout. This can be done on “cardio” only days or after your resistance training for the day. Pace is very important here. The hard you work, the harder this program will work for you. You’re going to be doing several exercises for as many reps as possible, for time. This is similar to how crossfit or strongman competitions work. It’s a great framework because you can do the same workout for quite some time and have a measurable way to track your improvements. So, make sure you document your workout so you can try to beat your personal best next time.
Sandbag Carry (or Farmers Walk) - if you have a Sandbag, pick it up from the ground and hug it, take 20 steps, and flip it over your shoulder. Turn around, pick it up and repeat. If you don’t have a sandbag, use heavy dumbbells at your sides. AMRAP.
Clean + Press - Choose a light to moderate weight, preferably with Olympic style plates. You’re going to do each clean and press from a dead stop on the ground. You may have to take short breaks to catch your breath within the 5 minutes, but keep going until the timer goes off.
Loaded Push or Pull - If your gym has a sled with turf, load it with a moderate weight and either push or pull it for “laps.” If you don’t have this equipment, you can put a towel under some plates and push it across a smooth surface or you’ll do band sprints, where you’ll attach a band to an anchor and run against the resistance for time.