1) Sustainability and Adherence – 95% of the people who lose weight will regain all if not more weight within 3 years. The reason for that is sustainability and adherence. This is the problem with most “fad” diets. They provide you with a method to lose weight, but not to keep it off. If the method you use to lose weight is not something that you can maintain long term and turn into a lifestyle, then most likely you will return to your old eating habits and thus your original weight. What I’ve discovered in my research is that much of what drives adherence, sustainability, and success in fat loss and maintenance varies from individual to individual.

It’s important that we treat people as individuals. Personally, I believe that whatever style diet you can effectively use to achieve and maintain a healthy body fat percentage, within reason, is what you should maintain as a part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. While I do believe that some methods are much better and far more effective, It doesn’t matter if you choose high carb low fat, Keto, intermittent fasting etc – as long as its sustainable and helps you reach your goals, then I believe that is the best style diet for you.

2) Calorie Deficit – As stated earlier, a calorie deficit, negative energy balance, is absolutely required for fat loss.

3) Exercise and Daily Activity – Even though this counts for a fairly small percentage in our calories out portion of energy balance, it is also an area that we have full control over and can easily manipulate. Also, many people overlook the impact of merely increasing their daily activity by moving more.

4) Self Monitoring – While this step is fairly self explanatory, I believe that failing to follow it is one of the biggest reasons many people fall off from a diet before it becomes a lifestyle. We’ve all had those cheat meals that turned into cheat weekends, but it’s a lot harder to admit the cheat meals that turn into cheat years. A large portion, if not the majority of the struggles surrounding sustaining a healthy fat loss routine are mental. A sound body is very difficult to achieve without a sound mind.

5) Protein and Fiber Intake – As discussed, protein and fiber are the first macronutrients to consider and adjust after establishing a calorie deficit.

6) Carbohydrate and Fat Intake – While carbs and fats do effect weight loss, establishing a calorie deficit and maintaining adequate protein and fiber intake are superior in importance.

7) Supplementation – Supplementation is a very important tool to use that can help increase fat loss and maintain lean body mass while your body is in a calorie deficit. Just don’t misunderstand its importance. While supplements are a great tool to help with fat loss, they cannot replace or surpass steps 1-6. If you're looking to take your fat loss to the next level, try adding THERMO FITT to your daily routine!

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